=> index.pssg # features postssg is a "fully-fledged" static site generator. it generates static sites. that's about it ## syntax for files most of a file will be plain text. no special syntax, no ending lines with two spaces, nothing. whitespace is also preserved, because the entire page is inside of a "pre" tag. you can add links! wow! => index.pssg => pressg | https://spicata.github.io/pressg/ the first line is a link to "index.pssg". every link that heads internally is absolute. the other line is a link to a website. links can be aliased, indicated by the inclusion of a "|" before the actual link. #### lines starting with at least one # will be bold lastly, postssg also has a "tags" system. tags allow you to automatically link to all pages which contain a specific tag. this will be demonstrated below. if a line ends with "<--", then the file gets tagged with the contents of the line. then, if another file has a line which starts with "-->", all tagged files with the tag following the --> will be linked to. --> tag-demo => tag-demo-file.pssg you can also tag files as drafts, which will prevent them from being automatically linked by the matching "-->" markers which is demonstrated in the next file => draft-demo-file.pssg there are not many features. this is intentional